Today I am brainstorming things I want to have the ability to do (muscle memory style) at some recent point in the future.


  • Move a video from phone to laptop


  • Write a plugin
  • Merge API & web domains (evaluate domains)
  • Invoke a direct json function
  • Use GPT-Engineer to make something [Attempted, Need GPT4]
  • Auto export conversations / import to vanjacloud => generative
  • Text based agent environment (multi agent interaction)
  • Fine-tune a model


Vanja Cloud Endpoints

  • WhatsApp
  • Browser
  • ChatGPT (chat)
  • Google Auth
  • ChatGPT (import)


  • Somewhere to post technical plans

  • try llama locally


  • Spaced repetition learning
  • Play with aider

What if the blog was a short intro / description, and the rest of the blog was a chatgpt discussion?

An LLM front end web browser. Browse through an LLM

Talk about goals:

First 3-5 small projects for attention

Then commit to something medium (expose something I find of value)

Then maybe another attention project to redirect attention on main project

Attention is good for motivation and enforcing progress

Build in public helps motivate with carrot & stick